Berryman B-60 High Mileage Fuel System Rejuvenator - 444 mL

Berryman 7516 B-60 High Mileage Fuel System Rejuvenator
Thoroughly cleans entire fuel system of all high mileage gas-powered vehicles, including those exceeding 60,000 miles. Powerful detergents and H.E.S.T. solvents give one-tank clean-up of fuel injectors, intake valves, carburetor, and combustion chambers. Dissolves fuel residue and carbon deposits to restore lost power, reduce rough idle and hesitation, restore octane requirements, and improve overall drivability. Improves fuel economy, disperses moisture, and stabilizes gasoline.
Great for all 2-stroke and 4-stroke marine and small gas engines. Safe for use with catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, and all gasoline containing up to 15% ethanol, including E10 and E15.
- Powerful detergents and HEST solvents
- Restores lost power, reduce rough idle and hesitation, restore octane requirements, and improve overall drivability. Improves fuel economy, disperses moisture, and stabilizes gasoline
- Dissolves fuel residue and carbon deposits
- Great for all 2-stroke and 4-stroke marine and small gas engines
- HEST - "High Energy Solvent Technology, " a Berryman exclusive, incorporates the use of strong solvents, as opposed to weak carriers and diluents such as mineral spirits or kerosene
NOT suitable for diesel engines or E85 Fuel.